Winds of Change



Safia Ohlson / Spirit Baby mentorship

"Immediately after our first session, I had the extraordinary experience of feeling all of my suffering lifted from my emotions, thoughts, and physical body. This blissful state lasted a few hours and has instructed the focus of my spiritual path - it was truly one of those "peak" moments that remind us of who we are and why we're here."

Lisa Hughes / Spirit Baby mentorship

Sarah is such a bright light in navigating what sometimes feels like a dark and lonely road. From my first encounter with her, something inside of me told me that she is someone I need to learn from. Sarah is not only extremely insightful in her gifts but also very intentional in how she supported me during our time together. I walked away feeling comforted & confident in what comes next as well as empowered to lean into some of the themes that were brought up.”

k.h. / Spirit Baby mentorship

“Sarah brought such a high level of pure communication. It was insightful and inspiring! an instant connection. Sarah felt so in tune with source and the messages wanting to be communicated. It felt authentic and Powerful. She offered the kind of support that is So necessary.”

Elise / Spirit Baby Mentorship

I can't even describe what Sarah was able to do for me. Our souls were so connected. I felt so much peace and healing from working with her. She held space for me to move through my grief. If you are thinking of working with her, take this testimonial as the sign you need to book a reading. Sarah is such a kindred gentle soul and came into my life when I needed her most. I had just lost my baby boy and was able to connect with him and gain such a deep understanding of life. Sarah created a safe space for me to process my heartbreak. She instilled a kind of hope in me that I will be forever grateful for.”


"Sarah’s love and intent

to come alongside others

in their journey is unlike

any other person I have

crossed paths with.

Her consciousness is

beautiful and


soul shines

so bright."

Kayla Abeid / Spirit Baby Reading


"I Feel Like I Have A Second

Chance At Life Again After

Working With Sarah. I Will Live

It In Full Beauty And Vibrancy.”

Victoria Larnach / Spirit Baby Reading

Abigail Hinds / Spirit baby reading

"Sarah listened with a high level of attunement and reflected back the bigger and deeper picture of what is truly unfolding in my world; weaving the many pieces of my story into a beautiful and cohesive tapestry. Our session helped me to feel clear, committed, and in alignment with my womb, & the future generations that will birth through me. the session also helped me have more understanding of & compassion for the lessons and shadows in my life. as well as how they've illuminated the way forward. I've noticed since our session that I'm truly honoring the temple of my womb and feminine essence more fully than ever before. It feels incredible."


“Sarah is an amazing spiritual coach and guide. I felt so supported, held, and seen during our session together. I've taken so many insights away from one call! I'm still processing and integrating but already she has helped me to feel much more grounded in some big life decisions that I've made. Working with her is a gift!”


"Sarah’s Intuitive Gifts Are

Beautiful To Feel, Experience,

And Witness. Her Spirit Is

Such An Expander.”

Brooke Novick / Spirit Baby Mentorship


"Without A Doubt Working

With Sarah Was One Of

The Best Investments I Made.”

Kristy Lee / Birth Client

Kayla Abeid / Spirit baby reading

“Connecting with Sarah, allowed me to dig deeper within myself and engage presently in my process. Our time together was truly a divine intervention, filled with clarity, purpose, and passion. Sarah’s love and intent to come alongside others in their journey is unlike any other person I have crossed paths with. Her consciousness is beautiful, her soul shines so bright… she shared so much with me that allowed me to re-ignite my inner light. The session elevated my inner growth and trust, simply through our connection. I highly recommend Sarah’s gifts to anyone looking to reconnect... This is for those who want to vibrate higher, love deeper, appreciate more, and love themselves unconditionally. She is soft, humble, selfless, kind, compassionate, and a divine soul that I am forever grateful to have met in this lifetime.”


Sarah has a unique gift of connecting to the world of spirit babies. If you are struggling in your journey with motherhood, she can be a great help. I am so thankful that I found Her, as she helped me understand my journey and look forward to the future, with a more hopeful heart.”


"Sarah Is Genuinely One Of The

most Wonderful People I’ve Had The Chance To Meet. My Husband &

I Are Grateful For All Her

Support In Welcoming

Our First Child.”

Marla Temuujin / Birth Client


"Sarah Was Incredibly Supportive

In Aiding My Self-Discovery.

She Was So Relatable and Open.

I Felt Validated And Loved."

Amanda Fucello / Birth Client

Madeleina Bolduc / Spirit Baby Reading

“Sarah has an incredible capacity to create ease and connection. She is so kind and clear in herself, that there is no tension or friction in establishing a field of clear seeing communication. Her dynamic effervescence brought a sense of wonder and sweetness to my heart. Sarah’s warmth and love, combined with her keen direct knowing was very moving for my partner and I. Our sense of magic and timing feels restored in bringing our creative work to fruition. Sarah is one of the few spiritual and psychic counselors that I would deeply trust with any questions or issues that I'm working with. She is highly accomplished and so lovingly joyful that it is absolutely a delight to be with her."

Gabby Wilson / spirit baby mentorship

I felt very comfortable working with Sarah and opening up about my life. It helped me understand parts of my journey & how I can improve and become the best version of myself. I feel more at peace about my future in being reassured that I am connected to my spirit babies. I also learned a lot about my health issues and how I can heal now in this moment. It was a very powerful session.”


"Sarah Has Gifts & Wisdom That Spans Many Lifetimes —

One Of My Favorites

Is Her




With Her


Heart & Being.”

Jillian Rossitto / Spirit Baby Mentorship


“Thank You Sarah For Making Conception A Beautiful &

Life-Changing Experience



I Won’t Ever Forget

The Time We Shared

& The Sacred Journey

You Helped Me

To Create.”

Kristin Wright / Spirit Baby Mentorship

Alicia Abuliak / Spirit baby reading

“My session with Sarah transformed my connection to my third pregnancy and helped me to unlock fears associated with my past. At first we discussed a number of issues surrounding my pregnancy & then Sarah helped me open up a line of communication with my baby. As we moved into a guided meditation, I was amazed by Sarah's acute intuitive abilities. By the end I sat in silence, yet every word that passed through my mind, Sarah would sense and say aloud. I cried buckets. I was supported to let go of a lot of old baggage I was carrying around. I found this experience to be brilliant and profound. Sarah is a beautiful mirror and guide, she works on a very deep level.”

M.B.W. / Spirit Baby Reading

It was clear to me right away that Sarah's skillfulness has been refined over time, deep presence and study. Her integrity stood out to me immediately. Meeting with her gave me validation and great hope and enthusiasm for the future. Be prepared for the invitation to understand yourself and your place in the cosmos on a whole new level!”

Energy Connection

"Sarah’s Voice Is Like A Warm

Hug From An All-Knowing &


Mother. Each Call

Included Unexpected &



That I

Needed To Hear.”

Robin Fitzgerald / Spirit Baby Mentorship


"Sarah — You Are Pure Magic!

You Emanate Love And Presence,

& That Is More Than Enough. You

Were Instrumental & Made A

world Of A Difference In The

Most Important Moments Of

My Life. I am Eternally


Leeah Chu / Birth Client

Kendra Stansbury / Spirit Baby Mentorship

After hearing about Sarah’s work from a friend, I immediately had a desire to work with her. I was pregnant with my second and our series helped me work through my fears... Most fascinating were her insights regarding my unborn child. Sarah’s communications with her spirit, confirmed many gut feelings I had about my daughter who I had yet to meet. The best part, is that when I actually birthed her, those insights turned out to be spot on… I will carry what I learned from Sarah forever. I'm beyond grateful that I reached out and decided to work with her. I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

A.M. / Spirit Baby Mentorship

"I just want to thank you for keeping me so calm leading into my transfer and 10-day wait, it completely changed how I looked at this process. It helped me overcome a lot of fears and anxiety."


Olivia Josephine / Spirit Baby Reading

“Sarah's devotion to the path of spirit and her truly loving intuitive presence creates a strong positive force that has the power to directly affect shifts in the field that will reflect as real change in your life. She has honed her intuitive and subtle skills, drawing from many traditions & practices with integrity and care. She is truly amazing and masterful at what she does! I would highly recommend her services to those that feel a resonance.”

Shawnee Mayzsak / Spirit Baby Mentorship

"We love Sarah. She’s amazing & all of her work is heart centereddivine wisdom is truly spoken through her. You can feel it in the way she communicates, the way she holds space, and the way wisdom flows through her. We hold her so dearly to our hearts and so does our son, even though he has never met her in person, he knows her and recognizes her voice! He gets happy just hearing her on Instagram! It’s remarkable!"

Rachel Zacrep / Spirit Baby Mentorship

“I will forever be grateful for my time with Sarah and the rippling effects of goodness it has brought to my life. It was the catalyst to immense healing for not only my physical, energetic & spiritual bodies but my lineage as well. Sarah's devotion to vulnerability, unconditional love, joy, and authenticity were contagious and so inspiring! I felt supported and seen in every moment and our time together was as nourishing as it was radiant and healing, the balm my whole being needed.”

Calla Hyman / Spirit Baby Mentorship

Sarah is able to create a container of warmth and safety that is unparalleled. I feel so incredibly seen, heard, and held by her. In just one session we cleared multiple blocks I had been pushing up against for years- both in myself and in my relationships. It was effortless! Pleasurable, even! I felt the energy moving in my body during our session and afterwards I was able to cut out old patterns left and right. After our second session, I was completely convinced of her clairvoyance and connection to the divine. She knew things no one else does. I am so incredibly grateful for her powerful healing presence in my life and recommend her gifts to all.”


D.K. / Spirit Baby Reading

“Our reading with Sarah was a breath of fresh air during A very long and hard journey of fertility struggles. We sought out a Reading with her to help us better determine the direction to go, and got just that. She offered us some truly insightful observations and peace of mind.”

Gina noonan / Spirit Baby Mentorship

“Sarah’s ability to see into the essence is miraculous. it's so comforting while going through the process of creating a family. it has been so deeply healing to start trusting myself and stop doubting. Sarah has allowed me to see what is possible, and has given me so much peace.”

Lindsay valley / Spirit Baby Mentorship

“Sarah shares her knowledge in such a genuine & nonjudgmental way. I truly feel held in sisterhood when I speak with her. Each time I walk away feeling heard, met, & seen. It's so refreshing, heart-Expanding, and consciousness elevating. A deep yearning for truth has been fulfilled.”

Yael Aylsworth / Spirit Baby Mentorship

“Sarah is nothing short of magic. Her energy, warmth, presence & love is felt in every session. I got so much more than I could have ever imagined. the wisdom she offered me regarding my spirit baby, will stay with me forever. I truly look forward to continued sessions with her, because the experience was so profound.”

Leah watterson / Spirit Baby Mentorship

It was so beautiful connecting with Sarah. Everything we touched on felt So right in my body. I had chills and tears as confirmation. My husband said I practically floated down the stairs after our call!"


Tanya / Spirit Baby Mentorship

“Our time with Sarah helped us understand our six losses, when no other health care professional could. Not only did she help explain our fertility journey, but in that process, she helped us understand who we were on a deep spiritual and energetic level.”

Peach Rose

Barbara / Mentorship Container

‘My spiritual practice spans 40 years: Sarah is at the top of my list for spiritual mentoring and guidance. In each session, I receive profound take-aways which shift my perspective, awareness of myself, and my place in the world. Give yourself a loving, life-changing gift by working with her. I will continue to do so.”


t.B. / Spirit Baby Reading

I am immensely grateful to have connected with you, and I look forward to working together! Our call was one of my greatest gifts in this lifetime. I cherish this tremendously!