To avoid confusion or dispute, please read our Terms of Service carefully.
* The information supplied on sBC.com should not be used as a substitute for medical advice or that given by any other psychological/Psychiatric professional. If you are concerned about your health in any way, always consult a medical practitioner.
* Sarah Naia Soleil & sBC.com cannot be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the information supplied, or for the failure to take medical advice.
01. Spirit Baby Readings
02. Spirit Baby Mentorship
03. Spirit Baby virtual (OFFERED Live or purchased via the SBC shop)
01. Spirit Baby Reading (SBR)
* Spirit Baby Readings are intended to support personal & spiritual development, empowerment and growth. All guidance and information supplied during a reading is to be used at the client's own risk and discretion. For your growing awareness these sessions work on a deep level and may at times encourage the review of memories to surface physically, mentally &/or emotionally.
* Information supplied during a SBR should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, or that given by any other psychological/Psychiatric professional used by the client. If you are concerned about your health in any way, always consult a medical practitioner.
* Sarah Naia Soleil cannot be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the information supplied, or for the failure to take medical advice.
* If your SBR is recorded, it may be used for personal home use only. Under no circumstances must this transmission be sold or used publicly for additional purposes.
* If you've booked a SBR and need to cancel, there is no fee as long as you do so in advance. If you cancel with less than 24hrs notice, re-booking will be at our discretion.
* If you do not communicate at all & do not show up for your reading, it is effectively canceled with no credit due & re-booking will be at our discretion.
* All sales are final. Refunds are not permitted.
02. Spirit Baby Mentorship (SBM)
* Spirit Baby Mentorship is intended to support personal & spiritual development, empowerment and growth. All guidance and information supplied during mentorships are to be used at the client's own risk and discretion. For your growing awareness, these containers work on a deep level and may at times encourage the review of memories to surface physically, mentally &/or emotionally.
* Information supplied during a SBM should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, or that given by any other psychological/Psychiatric professional used by the client. If you are concerned about your health in any way, always consult a medical practitioner.
* Sarah Naia Soleil cannot be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the information supplied, or for the failure to take medical advice.
* If your SBM readings are recorded, they may be used for personal home use only. Under no circumstances must these transmissions be sold or used publicly for additional purposes.
* If you need to cancel one of your SBM readings, there is no fee as long as you do so in advance. If you cancel with less than 24hrs notice, re-booking will be at our discretion.
* If you do not communicate at all & do not show up for your reading, it is effectively canceled with no credit due & re-booking will be at our discretion.
* All sales are final. Refunds are not permitted.
03. Spirit Baby virtual (SBV) (webinars, courses, &/or training programs, etc.)
* Spirit Baby Virtual offerings include but are not limited to webinars (both live & recorded), modules, courses, & programs. They are intended to support personal & spiritual development, empowerment, and growth. All guidance and information supplied during any & all SBV offerings are to be used at the client's own risk and discretion. For your growing awareness, this information works on a deep level and may at times encourage the review of memories to surface physically, mentally &/or emotionally.
* Information supplied throughout SBV offerings should not be used as a substitute for medical advice, or that given by any other psychological/Psychiatric professional used by the client. If you are concerned about your health in any way, always consult a medical practitioner.
* Sarah Naia Soleil cannot be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the information supplied, or for the failure to take medical advice.
* SBV offerings may be used for personal home use only. Under no circumstances must these transmissions be sold or used publicly for additional purposes.
* All sales are final. Refunds are not permitted.