the Glossary
Please note: The Terms Below Have Been Defined By Sarah Naia Soleil As They Relate To Spirit Baby Communication.
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The individuals that make up one’s genetic line, including BOTH those who’ve come before AND those who’ve yet to come (see spherical time below).
Loosely translated clairsentience means “clear-Feeling”. Simply put, it is a heightened form of empathy.
French for “clear-Seeing”, Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive beyond reason through the utilization of our extrasensory perceptions.
Medically speaking, Conception is the union of the sperm and the ovum; the moment of fertilization. The onset of pregnancy, marked by implantation of the blastocyst (a thin-Walled cluster of cells present in early embryonic development) into the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus). Spiritually it is said that conception occurs the moment a child is a thought in it’s mother’s mind.
Conception contract
An agreement forged between 3+ souls, in the higher realms, in relationship to the co-Creation of new life.
An ever-Transforming, self-Determined dream, toward which the universe is always conspiring to co-Create with us. Our destiny is something we actively shape and alter with that of our courage, compassion, & free will, etc.
The unfolding of predetermined events that occur when we ignore our life’s calling. Fate is the result of navigating our lives by placing them in the hands of external circumstances. Fate arrives as a course correction to awaken our souls and enhance our paths forward.
Free will
The ability to make life choices apart from familial, societal, & cultural expectations. Free will is directing one’s life according to one's own discretion.
Freud’s Conscious, Subconscious, & Unconscious Mind Theory
An important partner in the triad of the human mind, the conscious mind serves as a scanner. It perceives an event, triggers a need to react, and then depending on the importance of the event, files it in either the unconscious or subconscious mind where it remains available to us.
Your subconscious is the storage point for any recent memories needed for quick recall, such as what your telephone number is or the name of a person you just met. It also holds current information that you use every day, such as your current recurring thoughts, behavioral patterns, habits, and feelings.
The unconscious mind is where all of our memories and past experiences reside. It’s from these memories and experiences that our beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed. The unconscious mind is the storehouse of all your deep-Seated emotions that have been programmed since birth.
(Adapted from:
Higher Realms
There are multiple spaces, timelines, and dimensions that we express ourselves in. The higher realms is home to our higher self, the aspect of us which is divine.
Higher self
Known as the Divine Self, this is the part of you which knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible. The Higher Self is Cosmic Consciousness & anchoring the wisdom into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose.
Initial imprints
Our First Impressions Of Life Formed During Our Initial Sequences, Including But Not Limited To, The Ways In Which We Were Conceived, Gestated, Birthed, & Cared For As A Newborn.
That which exists in an individual from birth; that which belongs to our essential nature.
journey Beyond the veil
There is a veil of consented illusion that rests between our physical/material world & that of the energy world. To Journey Beyond the Veil is to consciously dissolve this illusion through the use of our extrasensory perceptions. This most often occurs in stages and phases through the sacred ingredient of linear time, but for some it happens quickly, abruptly, or in bursts governed by Fate or that of our Free Will.
The sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, governed by cause and effect in which the intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence that individual’s future (effect).
Lunar eclipse
An astronomical event in which the Full Moon aligns directly between the Earth and the Sun resulting in the Moon passing through the Earth's shadow which either partially or fully blocks the Sun's rays from reaching the Moon.
Milestone moments
Moments in your life that shape your power story and contribute heavily to the self-Discovery of your Destiny and most deeply aligned path forward.
Pioneering soul
A soul that chooses to enter a particular ancestral line with the desire to shift &/or resurrect the patterns, vibrations, & consciousness held within the lineage by activating their destiny’s. Pioneering Souls often feel like the black sheep and as if they don’t belong.
The minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, & years following the birth of a child. *Postpartum specifically correlates to the mother’s body, health, and recovery after birth, whereas postnatal specifically links to the baby.
The days, weeks, months, &/or reproductive years leading up to conception. *The Preconception Period has long been understood as a sacred and important time for purifying our lives from the inside out; body, mind, heart, spirit, & soul. To consciously and actively engage in this process is a true gift to our lineages, humanity, & the world.
Limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns formed through conditioning, assumption, judgement, &/or misinformation.
Medically speaking, Pregnancy is A time in which one or more babies develop in utero. in general, It is comprised of three trimesters (1st Trimester: weeks 1 - 12, 2nd Trimester: weeks 13 - 28, & 3rd Trimester: weeks 29 - 40). Spiritually, it’s a thin veiled time in which a group of souls merge with creation and carry out a conception contract.
Pre & Perinatal Psychology
The psychology of pregnancy and birth which studies: the consciousness of babies preconception onward, the ways in which pregnant mothers influence the unborn, the effects of medical intervention on mothers and babies, & remedial techniques to counteract prenatal and perinatal traumas.
That which has existed from the beginning; that which is connected to the origin.
Solar eclipse
An astronomical event in which the New Moon aligns directly between the Earth and the Sun resulting in the Moon casting a shadow upon the Earth which either partially or fully blocks the Sun’s light.
Soul codex
A soul’s blueprint & archive. As there is nothing that can’t be known, our Soul’s Codex is the invisible living library and energetic manuscript in which we can discover the details of our soul’s journey through spherical time.
Spirit baby
A Spirit Baby Is A Soul That Exists In An Invisible Energy Based Realm, Who Is Providing Guidance & Assistance To Others, While Preparing To Incarnate And Join A Group Of Souls In The Physical/Earthly Realm.
Spirit baby communication
The art and practice of communicating with your unborn child or children in support of discovering the most deeply aligned path forward for all beings involved.
Spiritual Homework
No moment, life experience, or being before you is insignificant. Everyone and everything in your life, regardless of how seemingly unimportant has a purpose and contributes to your soul’s evolution. Your Spiritual Homework then is that which is unfolding exactly as it is, right now.
Spherical time
A way of perceiving time in which the past, present, and future can be accessed here and now.