Sarah hosts mini Q&A Stories on Instagram. some of the responses have been shared below for collective insight.
the most recent conversation started with the following Prompt: Submit a question for a mini spirit baby reading.
I Had dreams I’m having twins?
There is a lot of “double energy” around you. If it’s not so, it could be a two-spirit being, a close-by ancestor guardian overseeing the journey, a strong placenta presence, and/or a piece of your own conception/gestation experience rising into your conscious awareness. A full reading would be really helpful to explore this further.
Curious if there’s a spirit babe wanting to come? She’s so Present. we even chose a name.
Tend to the roots, your hearth, and your home, nourish your 1st & 2nd chakras, prepare the space, sanctuary, nest & align with the next chapter. Baby is on the horizon. Here but not here. Plenty patient & joyfully humming.
Does my baby feel loved? How can I encourage love?
Through healing touch either physically or energetically utilizing meditation and the art of visualization.
Will I birth my spirit baby?
Time is a sacred ingredient. Do not fear the page you’re on. There is a chapter and a place for all of your dreams to come to fruition. Be present with what is before you.
What does my baby want me to know?
You are already more than enough.
Does anything need to change for our next babe to join us?
Water and nurture the big beautiful seeds in your heart so that they can truly grow into blossoms. Focus on why and how your life’s dreams are not only possible but simply waiting for you to take the next steps into action.
Do I even have spirit babies? I can’t feel them.
Do you have ancestors? If so, you have spirit babies. Whether or not it serves for them to be felt at this time or birthed is decided upon by you at the level of your higher self.
Is my spirit baby going to be manifesting into the physical realm soon?
Your spirit baby is a highly evolved soul and is guiding you through a series of lessons & initiations. The journey has already begun. You will be together in the flesh as you fully receive the pillar of light that you are. This is a matter of destiny.
Does my son in heaven communicate with his new baby sister?
Yes. As challenging as it has been, all souls have benefited from this experience of deep love & loss. It is also not uncommon that these babies return; either through you or through the lives/wombs of close family and friends. Stay open.
I keep dreaming of birthing a baby girl. I feel her strong presence. When is she coming?
Delve into the art of peace. Choose it. Live it. Become it. This is her message for you now. The timing, you will know soon enough.
Will Helena come back to me?
Allow your spirit to soar, be seen and shine. This is the essence of her soul’s desire to enter your womb & life. If it serves for her to return, she absolutely will. Trust your path and your gifts. They are needed.
Is there anything my spirit baby wants me to know?
Observe and dismantle the defense mechanisms within that decrease your threshold for giving and receiving love. Your vast capacity to love wishes to be unlimited.
Do you see a baby coming into our lives soon?
To open the door, tend to what needs healing. Your wonder is connected to something ancient. Keep listening and follow these sacred threads of curiosity.
What does my spirit baby want us to know before we open the conception portal?
Connect with the teachings of the divine mother. Practice unconditional love. Choose love over fear.
How can I welcome/help my spirit baby enter my body in this lifetime?
Through the shapeshifting waters of forgiveness, cleansing all lifetimes, timelines, and dimensions. Then, enter the void, a place of no mind and limitless potential. From this place, plant seeds in your womb for heightened receptivity in alignment with the divine plan.
Does my spirit baby have any message for me?
Truly honor what you believe in & know to be true, above the limiting judgement of others.
Will I have a child in this life? With my current beloved?
As above, so below. As within so without. Although our lives are written in the stars, we are also divine co-creators of our lives. Observe your inner dialogue closely. Honor your high heart.
Are we meant to have one more baby?
Direct your creation power in another direction first & foremost. More to be revealed.
I’m pregnant. how can I connect with my baby?
The best way to connect in pregnancy to the soul & voice of your baby is through mindfulness, slowing down, & going inward — even if it's just for a few moments every day.
Will our spirit baby start off as a frozen embryo? We have 2 precious embryos “on ice”.
One of you potential baby’s souls is not of this time space reality. Using a fertility method such as this could be a fruitful way to begin your family. Your task would be to model the embodiment of harmonious ancient futuristic human technologies.
I’m inviting my spirit baby to come to me through meditation, sometimes i feel her presence.
Your spirit baby prefers clairsentient communication. This is communication through energy and the gentle swelling of emotion. Being in a quiet, calm state will help you feel these subtle frequencies & the guidance being offered.
I feel multiple babies around me, but I am single. Is there anything that I can do for them?
Yes! They are watching over you as you weave your soul’s destiny thread with life. Spend time “listening” for the highest healing path forward in devotion & dedication to all of the souls involved in your journey. We are truly all connected.
Is the spirit baby around me meant to manifest into physical form or be a spirit guide?
I see another baby ready to come. However, I can hear that the choice is up to you. There is no “right” answer in this.