Frequently asked questions
What Is Spirit Baby Communication?
Spirit Baby Communication is the art and practice of communicating with your unborn child/children. It’s a pathway of remembrance that teaches us how to navigate beyond the limitations of our five senses — inviting us deeper into the mystery & embrace of our true nature.
Who Is Spirit Baby Communication For?
To explore this question further please take a look at our journal post on this topic HERE.
Is Sarah Clairvoyant, Clairsentient, Or Both? What Senses Does She Use?
Loosely translated clairsentience means “clear-Feeling”. Simply put, it is a heightened form of empathy. Clairvoyance is french for “clear-Seeing” and overall is the ability to perceive beyond reason, utilizing extrasensory perception. When Sarah gives a reading, she begins by emptying herself. This allows her to tune in and utilize the best form of intuitive/Psychic communication needed to co-Create understanding & resonance.
How Can I Start Communicating With My Spirit Baby?
Soften and open your body, mind, heart, and spirit. Call upon your inherent ability to communicate beyond time and space as we know it. set an intention to open the lines of communication. Invite your Soul & Higher-Self to guide you. Most importantly Spend Time Listening & observing The Field; trust what is revealed.
What’s the difference between a spirit baby reading & a spirit baby mentorship?
A spirit baby reading is a one-Time reading which addresses the questions you have now. A spirit baby Mentorship consists of a series of readings scheduled rhythmically to support your process and journey of integration over an intentional period of time. spirit baby mentorships also come with access to the sBC Foundations Course & a vault of resources including guided meditations, rituals, & more to support you in-between.
How Can I Help My Partner To Get Involved? He/She Is A Little Skeptical.
Be gentle with their process, hold the door open, AND honor where they’re at. Celebrate the ways they ARE able to Provide support and give yourself permission to continue exploring your unique journey of awakening. Sharing inspiring books, podcasts, films, etc., can also be supportive at times.
Can One Begin Communicating With A Baby Even If Conception Is Years Away?
Yes, absolutely! Spirit Baby Communication spans lifetimes. Opening to & connecting with your spirit baby years in advance is a beautiful practice that creates deep healing & profound connection to self, source, & all of life.
How Will I Know When My Spirit Baby Is Ready To Come?
Opening up lines of communication can create incredible clarity while navigating the quest of souls uniting in the material/Physical world. Keep in mind that conception is a contract formed in the higher realms by a minimum of three destiny threads, all souls involved must accept the journey, together. Not in the ways we’re used to consenting/Choosing, but from within our core blueprint, which shapes & informs our soul’s process of growth & evolution.
Do Spirit Babies Choose Surrogates &/Or Donors? How Does That Work?
From my experience, there is no "right" way to come into form. In general, Spirit babies choose surrogates &/or donors when there is a need for completing multifaceted past life karmic cycles.
When does the soul of a spirit baby attach to the embryo during IVF?
There are many beautiful traditions and global understandings regarding this topic. I've personally found that each soul contract varies. As such, each soul’s journey is different and unique. In my experience, souls even travel to and from their developing bodies prior to/Leading Up To birth.
I’m pregnant; how can I connect with my baby?
The best way to connect in pregnancy, to the soul & consciousness of your baby, is through mindfulness, slowing down, & going inward — even if it's just for a few moments every day.
unplanned pregnancy freakout, but so happy now. will my baby feel unwanted?
During your pregnancy place your hands in the shape of a heart over your lower abdomen often. Tell your baby that he/She Is wanted, welcomed, & loved. Your baby will be deeply comforted and nourished by this communication and acknowledgment.
Can You Share About Healing After An Abortion?
Take time to slow down, pause, and reflect. Speak to your spirit baby in your heart or out loud, and let them know how their presence has helped you grow. Thank them for coming and invite them to return if/When it is in the highest and best for all beings involved. Through the power of intention, ask your higher self to activate the spiritual lessons that are naturally woven into the tapestry of this experience.
How Does Spirit Baby Communication Support Someone To Heal After a miscarriage?
There is profound purpose in struggle and loss. Diving into Spirit Baby Communication techniques after a miscarriage allows for deep clearing. It creates the space for reflection and supports one to honor the real and raw transition of life force energy that has occurred. It generally acts as a sanctuary for creating understanding, self-Compassion, and clarity moving forward.
do spirit babies ever come just to be stillborn?
Yes. These souls are some of the most powerful. The impact of a journey like this often stays with us, as a teacher, for the rest of our lives, and deeply touches the lives of many.