Let’s take a journey together

In the wake of an enlightenment experience that occurred during the 4-hr birth of my son, I knew life would never be the same. This gift changed the fabric of my existence. Now, after having assisted over 350 births with clinical training and deeply integrating 15+ years of experience in the field of intuitive arts; I’m proud to offer you the Spirit Baby Society, a monthly membership & online community.

Bound by karmic cycles & shared spiritual lessons, Spirit Babies are souls we are connected to through time who are dedicated to helping us fulfill our destinies. Communicating with our Spirit Babies supports us to release the unserving beliefs, negative thought patterns, emotional pain, physical blocks, lower vibrational karmic loops, & ego-based constructs stored in our bodies, cells, & lineages at a gentle yet accelerated pace.

Whether you’re desiring children one day, just beginning the conception journey, integrating loss, struggling to conceive, pregnant now, or wanting to expand your family in the future, Spirit Baby Communication provides clarity, affirmation, and healing as you navigate the deeper questions that inevitably arise.

As I’ve provided 3,000+ Spirit Baby Readings to individuals & couples from all walks of life & around the globe, I am over the moon to share my most precious pearls of wisdom & personal discoveries with you. Together we will heal as we are woven into the cosmic tapestry of creation.

Secure Your Seat below.


join the monthly membership


What’s included:

90-Minute LIVE Monthly Group Readings & quarterly archived recordings

20-Minute “Whispers of Creation” Recordings (Archived Spirit Baby Inspired Conversations)

as well as Access to:

the Spirit Baby society library filled with inspiration for the journey

This includes Enhanced sBC glossary terms, meditations, a Spirit baby Animal guide index, & More!

PLUS +++

a secret & Private Spirit Baby Society Facebook Group

special promotions offered to members Only





To begin, choose your payment pathway. You will then be guided to create a personal account. Once logged in, you will have access to the membership’s portal & digital classroom

*VERY IMPORTANT: If you Are already An SBC Student with an account, please scroll down & select login when clicking one of the links below, in order to access the membership without needing to create a new one ;)



"Working with Sarah is magical. She has the gift of authentic intuition and her insights and guidance address matters at the deepest level. My sessions with her have been truly transformative!" — Safia

"Working with Sarah was both deeply satisfying and relieving. I was experiencing a persistent sense of doubt and confusion, and when I received her counsel, I settled into trust." — Madeleina

“Thank you for making conception a beautiful and life changing experience for me. I won’t ever forget the time we’ve shared and the sacred journey you’ve helped me create for myself, my husband and my little one to be.” — Kristin

Sarah’s communication with my unborn child’s spirit confirmed many gut feelings I had… those insights turned out to be spot on.” — Kendra

"Working with Sarah transformed my connection to my third pregnancy. I was amazed by her acute intuitive abilities. Sarah is a beautiful mirror and guide, she works on a very deep level. — Alicia

“Sarah’s gifts & wisdom spans many lifetimes. One of my favorites is her ability to listen with her whole heart & being.” — Jillian


Frequently asked questions


WILL THE 90-Minute LIVE Monthly Group Readings BE RECORDED?

absolutely. quarterly archived recordings will be kept available in the members-Only portal for you to connect with themes & messages, past & present. we’ll even keep a quarterly archive of the spirit baby inspired “Whispers of Creation” Conversations for you to stay in tune with the timeless teachings from beyond the veil, needed now.


We’ll open up the conversation for Q&A during each live group reading. You can also submit your question(s) in advance through our members-Only portal. although your questions are warmly welcome & encouraged, Sarah cannot guarantee to provide you with direct 1:1 guidance.

Will there be a way to connect with other community members?

Yes, we have a Secret & Private Spirit Baby Society Facebook Group for you to engage in. there is also A Chat Box Feature Available During LIVE Group Readings.

what is the cost?

membership is $44/Month or $360/Year.

Is the spirit baby society for women only?

although we emphasize & seek to amplify the female form & the Divine feminine principle as a sacred vessel of creation, we honor all walks of life. in this, we tenderly welcome men & the LGTBQIA+ community in this s P a c e.

do I need to be ready to have a baby in order to participate?

Not at all, Whether you’re desiring children one day, just beginning the conception journey, integrating loss, struggling to conceive, pregnant now, wanting to expand your family in the future, or not feeling sure if You’ll have children, Spirit Baby Communication provides clarity, affirmation, & healing as you navigate the deeper questions that inevitably arise.